Manufacturing 4.0

The new industry winners can take decisions on millions of data points per second while their competition struggles with stale data dashboards. With Popsink, leverage real-time data to deploy and act on all your business events as they happen.

Live Overview

Live Overview

Get insight into your operations and processes as they happen and deliver visibility from board to floor.

Live Alerts & Andon Cord

Live Alerts & Andon Cord

Oops, I did it again! Except it happened now, and that's exactly when your alert should be because seconds mean costs.

Reduce Waste

Reduce Waste

Easily build logics to optimize production processes in real-time and crush waste across the entire chain.

Reduce Costs

Reduce Costs

Crush defects time-to-detection and time-to-response to contain the bottom-line impact. Not on your watch!

Respond in Real-Time

Respond in Real-Time

Go from "data can explain it" to "data can act on it" and understand what it really means to be data-driven.

And more...

And more...

When it comes to data, each business has unique potential use-cases . We're here to help you discover and implement them.

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Our team has built many event-driven services, let's help make yours happen.

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